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同人で声を提供しております。 フォロバはお仕事関係の方に絞ってますごめんなさい! □□□作品の宣伝が多いため高校生以下はブロックします… マシュマロ 物欲 宣伝用 @FbMamiyan リンクまとめ
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A user who has been considered to have higher safety by the recipient user or Marshmallow.
You are considered an authorized user if you meet any of the following conditions:
  • Sent a message to 真宮ひいろ@お仕事募集中 while signed in and was favorited
  • Signed up with Marshmallow before April 2023 and followed 真宮ひいろ@お仕事募集中 on X
  • Premium member
For details on the introduction of authorized users, please see the notice Changes to allowed sender group specifications.

真宮ひいろ@お仕事募集中's past answers